dialog bahasa inggris untuk 3 orang #2

Diposting oleh Trisna Ekka di 07.33 0 komentar
kali ini saya mau post dialog bahasa inggris untuk 3 orang. lagi-lagi note ini diambil dari tugas terdahulu saya.
sebenarnya dialog ini adalah bentuk panjang dari dialog saya sebelumnya.
jadi, istilahnya ini full version-nya
semoga bisa menjadikan inspirasi..


Pagi-pagi jogging

                                  : Hi ZELINDA!!
ZELINDA                              : (noleh) Oh DAMAI, Hai…How are you?
DAMAI                                  : I’m fine. Thank you. How about you ?
ZELINDA                              : I’m fine, too. Finally, Sunday arrived, we could be jogging
DAMAI                                  : Of course. ZELINDA, I want to talk to you a minute, please??
                              : Oh, Okay!! Sit down here
DAMAI                                  : OK. You know, I will celebrate my birthday the day after
                              : Really..?
DAMAI                                  : Yes, ZELINDA..I will invite you to come to my birthday party.
                                                 Would you like to come to my birthday party?
ZELINDA                              : Yes, Of course!! Thank’s for invite me..
DAMAI                                  : Before it, I need your help.
                              : Yes. What can I do for you??
DAMAI                                  : I need to prepare what needed at the party. Such as renting a place, making foods, and invitation card to  invite more friends. Because I will make the birthday party with the simple and interest party
ZELINDA                  : Well, I guess it’s not easy. But, I’ll try to help you.

Si DEWI  datang

DEWI                                     : Hei guys, good morning??
& DAMAI              :Hai, morning!!!
                                    : What do you talking about?
ZELINDA                              : We talking about DAMAI’s birthday party.
DAMAI                                  : Would you like to come to my birthday party the day after tomorrow?
DEWI                                     : Yeah, Of Course. Can I help you?
DAMAI                                  : Yes, you can. Sit down, please. Please help me to prepare my birthday party. This is my first time I celebrate my birthday with a a simple and interest party. And this is my sweetseventeen.
DEWI&ZELINDA                : Don’t worry Dam, we will help you.
DEWI                                    : So, what will we do??
DAMAI                                  : First, we must look for a place
ZELINDA                              : How if in restaurant?
DAMAI                                  : It’s a good idea. But, I feel restaurant was too expensive to rent
DEWI                                     : I know!! How if in the city park? I think it’s a great place.
ZELINDA                              : I don’think so. How about in your house?
DAMAI                                  : Yes, I agree with you.
DEWI                                     : So, who would you invite??
                                  : My best friend, my neighbour and another friend.
                                    : I will help you to share the invitation
DAMAI                                  : Let’s go in my home to discuss together.

Sesampainya di rumah DAMAI

DEWI                                     : Where is your mother, your father, and your sister?
DAMAI                                  : My mother and my father in dining room, maybe they are      drinking coffee
                                                My sister go to my grand mother’s house. Come on guys…
ZELINDA                              : OK! Thank you.
DAMAI                             :Guys, I've bought birthday supplies needed. Invitation card, garnish, and balloon.
ZELINDA                              : How about birthday cake, food, and drink?
DAMAI                                  : No problem, already taken care of my mother and my sister.
DEWI                                     : Now, what can we do?
DAMAI                                  : Ehm… we write invitation card.
ZELINDA                              : Ok, where a list of friends to invite?
DAMAI                                  : Wait a minute, I will take it.

Damai taking the invitation card

DAMAI                                  :Here is it. (menunjukkan kertas panjang berisi daftar nama teman2)
ZELINDA                              : What? Are you sure?
ZELINDA&DEWI                :It’s so long.
DAMAI                                  : Don’t worry guys, we can do together so everything will be OK.
I just invite my nighbour, my family and our friends
OK! Les’s go to do.
DAMAI                                  : I write number 1 until 20
                                                And you (Zelinda) number 21 until 40
                                                And you (Dewi) number 41 until 60
DEWI                                     : OK!
DAMAI                                  : The day after tomorrow is...
ZELINDA                              : Sunday!
DAMAI                                  :  No! Sunday is today.
ZELINDA                              : Emmm.. Friday???
DAMAI, DEWI, ZELINDA : Hahahahahaha....
DAMAI                                  : Tuesday!! Yep.
Tuesday, emmmm.... 2nd December 2012. At 07.00 pm in Damai’s house (writing the invitation)

kemudian setelah selesai.

ZELINDA, DAMAI, DEWI : Alhamdulillah...
ZELINDA                  : My arms aching, write all these invitations…huft
DEWI                         : Now, let’s we share invitation card.
ZELINDA                  : I think we can share invitation card for our friends tomorrow at school so Now, we share for DAMAI’s neightbour.
DAMAI                      : No, we share the invitation card at school tomorrow, and for my neightbour, my sister can help me to share. Let’s we design this room.
ZELINDA                  : OK. I ready!!
DEWI                         : We are ready!!
DAMAI                      : Guys, Let’s we listen music while we design this room so we will not bore.
ZELINDA                  : Yup. That’s good idea.
DEWI                         : (Meniup balon) What do you think?
ZELINDA                  : Hei, it’s so small.
Damai, Dewi, and Zelinda design the Damai’s living room.
DAMAI                      : Zelinda!! Help me please!!
ZELINDA                  : OK!
ZELINDA                  : OHH!!!
DAMAI                      : Astaghfirullahalazim
                                    Oh Dewi?? You make me afraid you know??
The liviving room have finished. Damai bring some food and drink
DAMAI                      : Guys, that’s all for you
ZELINDA                  :  Thank’s Damai (minum)
                                    I think your birthday will be amazing party.
DEWI                         : I thing so. The decorating is wonderfull.
DAMAI                      : I wish. It is cause your help. Thank you guys.
I don’t know what would happen if you did not help me.
DEWI&ZELINDA    : You’re welcome Damai.
DEWI                         : Btw Damai, may I ask for a glass of orange juice again? I’m very thirsty
ZELINDA                  : You thirsty? You be able to drink the tap water in the shower
                                    Just kidding!! ^^
DEWI                         : Your alert
DAMAI                      : Hahhahahahahahah


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